Natsumi Chikayasu is a Japanese freelance illustrator currently based in Tokyo. After earning her BA in Illustration from Falmouth University, she has been collaborating with clients across the globe to bring their stories to life. She enjoys incorporating symbols, rich colours and atmosphere in her work to communicate complex subjects such as feminism, sciences, places and their intersections.
Contacts & Links
email: natsumichikayasu@gmail.com
instagram: @_natsumic
twitter: @_natsumic
behance: natsumic
print shop
Partial Clients List
Aeon / BaseHall / The Guardian / Harvard Business Review / MATCHESFASHION / The New York Times / Notre Dame Magazine / The On Being Project / Orion Magazine / Piglet in Bed / Politico Europe / Senlis Films / STAT / The Skinny / Texas Monthly / Utrecht University / VICE News / The Washington Post Magazine / WIRED UK /
Awards & Recognitions
AOI World Illustration Awards - Shortlisted for Editorial New Talent + SAA Agents’ Award (2020)
iJungle Illustration Awards, Merit Award (2019)